Getting Started
Brand Guide

Activating on Roblox: Partnering with Developers

Learn how brands can partner with a developer to meet and exceed goals — now and in the future on Roblox.

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Explore the platform and consider how a developer can bring your brand to life on Roblox.


Determine goals for your Roblox activation and prepare to share them with developers.


Connect with developers, ask meaningful questions, and discuss your vision for your activation.


Choose a developer and begin establishing a timeline for executing your Roblox strategy and ongoing optimizations.

Discover inspiration from successful brand activations

Shipt: Engage & Immerse

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NHL: Reach & Fandom

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Paramount: Launch & Fandom

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Shipt: Engage & Immerse

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Get resourceful with these activation insights

Getting Started
Brand Guide

Activating on Roblox: The Virtual Economy

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How to Build Engaging Brand Experiences on Roblox

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